How do I set an attr_accessor for a dynamic instance variable? How do I set an attr_accessor for a dynamic instance variable? ruby ruby

How do I set an attr_accessor for a dynamic instance variable?

this answer doesn't pollutes the class space, example.. if i do mine.my_number 4 then the other instances of Mine will not get the my_4 method.. this happens because we use the singleton class of the object instead of the class.

class Mine  def my_number num    singleton_class.class_eval { attr_accessor "my_#{num}" }    send("my_#{num}=", num)  endenda = Mine.newb = Mine.newa.my_number 10 #=> 10a.my_10 #=> 10b.my_10 #=> NoMethodError

This can be accomplished using __send__. Here:

class Mine  attr_accessor :some_var  def intialize    @some_var = true  end  def my_number num    self.class.__send__(:attr_accessor, "my_#{num}")    self.__send__("my_#{num}=", num)  endenddude = Mine.newdude.my_number 1puts dude.my_1=> 1

Easy. You can dynamically define the attribute reader inside the my_number method:

  def my_number num     self.instance_variable_set "@my_#{num}", num     self.class.class_eval do        define_method("my_#{num}") { num }     end  end

see if that works for you