How do I stub a method to raise an error using Ruby MiniTest? How do I stub a method to raise an error using Ruby MiniTest? ruby ruby

How do I stub a method to raise an error using Ruby MiniTest?

require "minitest/autorun"class MyModel  def my_method; endendclass TestRaiseException < MiniTest::Unit::TestCase  def test_raise_exception    model =    raises_exception = -> { raise }    model.stub :my_method, raises_exception do      assert_raises(ArgumentError) { model.my_method }    end  endend

One way to do this is to use Mocha, which Rails loads by default.

it 'should show redirect on custom error' do  my_object = FactoryGirl.create(:my_object)  # stub my_model_method to raise Exceptions::CustomError here  MyObject.any_instance.expects(:my_model_method).raises(Exceptions::CustomError)  post :my_controller_method, :id => my_object.to_param  assert_response :redirect  assert_redirected_to my_object_path(my_object)  flash[:error].wont_be_nilend