How show hide image in paperclip when no image present How show hide image in paperclip when no image present ruby ruby

How show hide image in paperclip when no image present

I use the following to find wether a model has an associated attachment:

<% if @agent.avatar.file? %>  <%= image_tag @agent.avatar.url(:normal) %><% else %>  No attachment available!<% end %>

If avatar has multiple sizes:

has_attached_file :avatar,                   :styles => {:small => '30x30#', :large => '100x100#'},                   :default_url => '/images/missing_:style.png'

for Rails 3:

has_attached_file :avatar,                   :styles => {:small => '30x30#', :large => '100x100#'},                   :default_url => '/assets/images/missing_:style.png'

Okay, so I got one part of it.

Specifying a default image happens in the model

has_attached_file :avatar, :default_url => '/images/brokers/agents/anonymous_icon.jpg'