How to catch Errno::ECONNRESET class in "case when"? How to catch Errno::ECONNRESET class in "case when"? ruby ruby

How to catch Errno::ECONNRESET class in "case when"?

This is because of how the === operator works on the class Class

The case statement internally calls the === method on the object you are evaluating against. If you want to test for e class, you just test against e, not e.class. That's because e.class would fall into the when Class case, because, well, e.class is a Class.

rescue Exception => e    case e        when Errno::ECONNRESET            p 1        when Errno::ECONNRESET,Errno::ECONNABORTED,Errno::ETIMEDOUT            p 2        else            p 3    endend

Yeah, Ruby can have weird semantics sometimes

Well it depends upon whether you referencing the class or the constant.I have for instance had to use the following case statement to get a certain type of detection working

def fail(exception_error)exception = exception_errorcase exception.class  when /    status = 'CONNECTION TIMEOUT'    connection_status = 'DOWN'  else    status = 'UNKNOWN FAILURE'    connection_status = 'DOWN'end

But that's because I'm working with the actual Exception Class not the constant.HTTPCLient is raising an actual class object:

class TimeoutError < RuntimeErrorend  class ConnectTimeoutError < TimeoutErrorend

Here's a puzzling fact:

error = HTTPClient::ConnectTimeoutError.newHTTPClient::ConnectTimeoutError === error#=> trueerror === HTTPClient::ConnectTimeoutError#=> false

Not sure what to make of that.