How to downgrade my rails version? How to downgrade my rails version? ruby ruby

How to downgrade my rails version?


gem uninstall railsgem uninstall railties

Followed by:

gem install rails -v 3.2.19 

To check a rails version, directly do:

rails -v

Another workaround:

add following to your Gemfile:

 gem 'rails', '3.2.19'

and then run:

bundle install

Or you dont have to downgrade. You can always create a new rails app with a specific version(if that version is already installed)

rails _3.2.19_ new myApp

That is not good approach to uninstall a global version of Rails. So just create a Rails app:

rails new app

then change Rails version in its Gemfile, and issue bundle install:

cd appsed "s/'rails', '~> 4.2.0'/'rails', '~> 3.2.19'/" -i Gemfilebundle install

Then, I believe, you should change all the dependent packages to older versions.