How to fake How to fake ruby ruby

How to fake

I really like the Timecop library. You can do time warps in block form (just like time-warp): do  @model = TimeSensitiveMode.newendassert @model.times_up!

(Yes, you can nest block-form time travel.)

You can also do declarative time travel:

class MyTest < Test::Unit::TestCase  def setup  end  def teardown    Timecop.return  endend

I have some cucumber helpers for Timecop here. They let you do things like:

Given it is currently January 24, 2008And I go to the new post pageAnd I fill in "title" with "An old post"And I fill in "body" with "..."And I press "Submit"And we jump in our Delorean and return to the presentWhen I go to the home pageI should not see "An old post"

Personally I prefer to make the clock injectable, like so:

def hello(clock=Time)  puts "the time is now: #{}"end


class MyClass  attr_writer :clock  def initialize    @clock = Time  end  def hello    puts "the time is now: #{}"  endend

However, many prefer to use a mocking/stubbing library. In RSpec/flexmock you can use:


Or in Mocha:


I'm using RSpec and I did this: Time.stub!(:now).and_return(2.days.ago) before I call In that way I'm able to control the time I used for that particular test case