How to find records that have duplicate data using Active Record How to find records that have duplicate data using Active Record ruby ruby

How to find records that have duplicate data using Active Record

Translating @TuteC into ActiveRecord:

sql = 'SELECT id,          COUNT(id) as quantity          FROM types          GROUP BY name        HAVING quantity > 1'#=>"id, count(id) as quantity")  .group(:name)  .having("quantity > 1")

Here's how I solved it with the AREL helpers, and no custom SQL:"COUNT(last_name) as total, last_name")  .group(:last_name)  .having("COUNT(last_name) > 1")  .order(:last_name)  .map{|p| {p.last_name =>} }

Really, it's just a nicer way to write the SQL. This finds all records that have duplicate last_name values, and tells you how many and what the last names are in a nice hash.

I was beating my head against this problem with a 2016 stack (Rails 4.2, Ruby 2.2), and got what I wanted with this:

>[:thing]).group(:thing).having("count(thing) > 1").all.size => {"name1"=>5, "name2"=>4, "name3"=>3, "name4"=>2, "name5"=>2}