How to find remainder of a division in Ruby? How to find remainder of a division in Ruby? ruby ruby

How to find remainder of a division in Ruby?

The modulo operator:

> 208 % 11=> 10

If you need just the integer portion, use integers with the / operator, or the Numeric#div method:

quotient = 208 / 11#=> 18quotient = 208.0.div 11#=> 18

If you need just the remainder, use the % operator or the Numeric#modulo method:

modulus = 208 % 11#=> 10modulus = 208.0.modulo 11#=> 10.0

If you need both, use the Numeric#divmod method. This even works if either the receiver or argument is a float:

quotient, modulus = 208.divmod(11)#=> [18, 10]208.0.divmod(11)#=> [18, 10.0]208.divmod(11.0)#=> [18, 10.0]

Also of interest is the Numeric#remainder method. The differences between all of these can be seen in the documentation for divmod.

please use Numeric#remainder because mod is not remainder


5.modulo(3)#=> 25.modulo(-3)#=> -1


5.remainder(3)#=> 25.remainder(-3)#=> 2

here is the link discussing the problem