How to Implement a Friendship Model in Rails 3 for a Social Networking Application? How to Implement a Friendship Model in Rails 3 for a Social Networking Application? ruby ruby

How to Implement a Friendship Model in Rails 3 for a Social Networking Application?

To access all pending friendships you can use an association:

has_many :pending_friends,         :through => :friendships,         :source => :friend,         :conditions => "confirmed = 0"  # assuming 0 means 'pending'

To make the friendship bidirectional, you may want to replace your boolean confirmed column with a string status column that has one of the following three values: 'pending', 'requested' and 'accepted' (optionally 'rejected'). This will help keep track of who made the friendship request.

When a friendship request is sent (say from Foo to Bar), you create two friendship records (encapsulated in a transaction): one requested and one pending to reflect resp. that Bar has a requested friendship from Foo and Foo has a pending friendship with Bar.

  def self.request(user, friend)    unless user == friend or Friendship.exists?(user, friend)      transaction do        create(:user => user, :friend => friend, :status => 'pending')        create(:user => friend, :friend => user, :status => 'requested')      end    end  end

When the friendship is accepted (e.g. by Bar), both friendship records are set to accepted.

  def self.accept(user, friend)    transaction do      accepted_at =      accept_one_side(user, friend, accepted_at)      accept_one_side(friend, user, accepted_at)    end  end  def self.accept_one_side(user, friend, accepted_at)    request = find_by_user_id_and_friend_id(user, friend)    request.status = 'accepted'    request.accepted_at = accepted_at!  end

This is largely covered in chapter 14 of the Railspace book by Michael Hartl and Aurelius Prochazka. Here's the source code which should help you refine your solution.

A short answer is yes. Just make another friendship record to represent bidirectional association.

I wrote a gem called has_friendship for this kind of problem. All you need to do is drop in has_friendship in your model, and all the associations and methods will be taken care of.

Hope this helps!