How to raise a custom error code in sinatra? How to raise a custom error code in sinatra? ruby ruby

How to raise a custom error code in sinatra?

Something like raise 404 raises an error just like raise ZeroDivisionError would, which causes your app to throw a 500 Internal Server Error. The simplest way to return a specific error is to use status

get '/raise404' do    status 404end

You can also add a custom response body with body

get '/raise403' do    status 403    body 'This is a 403 error'end

I use this in block

if 'condition'  then    do somethingelse    halt 500  , "error message"end #only without errorerb :my_template

In case of error my log is like this
HTTP/1.1" 500 13 0.1000

Instead of raise "ERROR!!", try just doing error 404 or error 501 with optional status message after the status code.

Update: If you define your error handler as error 400..501 do... for example, you can use error 501 "ERROR!!" in your "/error" route. This will also put your "ERROR!!" message in env['sinatra.error'].message.