How to run raw SQL queries with Sequel How to run raw SQL queries with Sequel ruby ruby

How to run raw SQL queries with Sequel

Note that instead of:

DB.fetch("SELECT * FROM zone WHERE dialcode = '#{@dialcode}' LIMIT 1")

you should do:

DB.fetch("SELECT * FROM zone WHERE dialcode = ? LIMIT 1", @dialcode)

Otherwise, you open yourself to SQL injection if you don't control the contents of @dialcode.

I have a few pointers which may be useful:

  1. You could simply do:

    @zonename = DB.fetch("SELECT * FROM zone WHERE dialcode = ? LIMIT 1", @dialcode).first

    NB: you are ignoring the fact that there could be more results matching the criteria. If you expect multiple possible rows to be returned then you probably want to build an array of results by doing ...

    @zonename = DB.fetch("SELECT * FROM zone WHERE dialcode = ? LIMIT 1", @dialcode).all

    and processing all of them.

  2. The return set is a hash. If @zonename points to one of the records then you can do


    to refer to a field called "column_name". You can't do @zonename.colum_nname (you could actually decorate @zonename with helper methods using some meta-programming but let's ignore that for the moment).

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