How to solve a RubyMine "'ruby-debug-ide' isn't installed" error How to solve a RubyMine "'ruby-debug-ide' isn't installed" error ruby ruby

How to solve a RubyMine "'ruby-debug-ide' isn't installed" error

Complementing Ahsan Ellahi

In your terminal you're probably not running the same ruby version as inside Ruby Mine. You can check this

In Ruby Mine

Preferences --> Laguanges and Frameworks --> Ruby SDK and Gems

In Terminal

$ ruby-v

If you're not running the same version, try to set RubyMine to use the same Ruby version that you're running in your terminal. This should solve the problem. Than, if you really want to use another RubyVersion, you will need to go to your terminal, change the Ruby version and manually install both gems

Here's the actual command that worked for me:

gem install ruby-debug-ide --pre

I have faced this issue when debugging in a docker-compose environment. I suspect that RubyMine does not refresh the list of available gem after the SDK is added.

So if you add the SDK then add ruby-debug-ide to Gemfile you will get the error.

Instead, (re)create the SDK after adding ruby-debug-ide.