How to split string across new lines and keep blank lines? How to split string across new lines and keep blank lines? ruby ruby

How to split string across new lines and keep blank lines?

I'd recommend using lines instead of split for this task. lines will retain the trailing line-break, which allows you to see the desired empty-line. Use chomp to clean up:

"aaaa\nbbbb\n\n"[    [0] "aaaa",    [1] "bbbb",    [2] ""]

Other, more convoluted, ways of getting there are:

"aaaa\nbbbb\n\n".split(/(\n)/).each_slice(2).map{ |ary| ary.join.chomp }[    [0] "aaaa",    [1] "bbbb",    [2] ""]

It's taking advantage of using a capture-group in split, which returns the split text with the intervening text being split upon. each_slice then groups the elements into two-element sub-arrays. map gets each two-element sub-array, does the join followed by the chomp.


"aaaa\nbbbb\n\n".split(/(\n)/).delete_if{ |e| e == "\n" }[    [0] "aaaa",    [1] "bbbb",    [2] ""]

Here's what split is returning:

"aaaa\nbbbb\n\n".split(/(\n)/)[    [0] "aaaa",    [1] "\n",    [2] "bbbb",    [3] "\n",    [4] "",    [5] "\n"]

We don't see that used very often, but it can be useful.

You can supply a negative argument for the second parameter of split to avoid stripping trailing empty strings;

"aaaa\nbbbb\n\n".split(/\n/, -1)

Note that this will give you one extra empty string compared to what you want.

You can use the numeric argument, but IMO it's a bit tricky since (IMO) it's not quite consistent with what I'd expect, and AFAICT you'd want to trim the last null field:

jruby-1.6.7 :020 > "aaaa\nbbbb\n\n".split(/\n/, -1)[0..-2] => ["aaaa", "bbbb", ""]