How to tell gem command not to use SSL How to tell gem command not to use SSL ruby ruby

How to tell gem command not to use SSL

Use HTTP instead of HTTPS if you are unable to solve the certs issue:

$ gem install rails --source

To avoid repeating this every time, either edit your ~/.gemrc or edit the file through the command line, like this:

$ gem sources --add$ gem sources --remove$ gem sources --list*** CURRENT SOURCES ***

Also, en every Gemfile you will need to change the first line from:

source ''


source ''

Of course it would be much better if you manage to solve the certs issue as @p11y suggested on his comment.

The accepted answer didn't work for me. The following, however, did.

Edit .gemrc file

  • On Windows c:\Users\yourusername\.gemrc

Specifically %HOMEPATH% in the event your path is different.


:ssl_verify_mode: 0

It displayed the SSL errors but the install was successful.