How to use Eclipse for Ruby on Rails (RoR) How to use Eclipse for Ruby on Rails (RoR) ruby ruby

How to use Eclipse for Ruby on Rails (RoR)

To save you some legwork, in Eclipse:

  1. Go to Help -> Install New Software...
  2. Click add (top right of popup)
  3. Enter a Name like "RadRails2"
  4. Enter the location as (for the full Aptana studio Studio 3, instead enter
  5. Click ok
  6. Restart Eclipse
  7. Go to Window -> Preferences. You will see Ruby is enlisted at left panel

You are done...

Now when you use the "New" menu, you'll have the option to make a Ruby project (among other things).

You need to install aptana sudio eclipse plugin and radrails will be included.

refer to this Cannot Install Aptana plugin on Eclipse 4.2

I am using Eclipse Luna and installed Ruby(DLTK) 5.0 kepler from Eclipse Marketplace. I just imported my existing Rails project and seeing it working well with this. I am still exploring it. Hope that helps.