Ignore rows with blank values while importing a CSV in rails application Ignore rows with blank values while importing a CSV in rails application ruby ruby

Ignore rows with blank values while importing a CSV in rails application

This should work

CSV.open(import_file, skip_blanks: true).reject { |row| row.all?(&:nil?) }


You requested for readlines, it calls open in the CSV source code in the end but this is it:

CSV.readlines(import_file, skip_blanks: true).reject { |row| row.all?(&:nil?) } 

I feel open would perform better though I have not done any bench marking

CSV.open(import_file, skip_blanks: true, headers: true).reject { |row| row.to_hash.values.all?(&:nil?) }CSV.readlines(import_file, skip_blanks: true, headers: true).reject { |row| row.to_hash.values.all?(&:nil?) }

The above returns a collection of CSV::Row objects

This returns a CSV::Table object.

CSV.parse(import_file, headers: true, skip_blanks: true).delete_if { |row| row.to_hash.values.all?(&:blank?) }

The solution depends on if you read the CSV with or without headers, and if you want to keep working with a CSV::Table object or if you are happy with an array of CSV::Row

Without headers you'll get rows that looks something like:

[#<CSV::Row nil nil nil]

With headers:

[#<CSV::Row "name":nil "abbreviation":nil "age":nil] 


Without headers and return array of CSV::Row

table.reject { |row| row.all?(&:nil?) }

Without headers and return CSV::Table

table.delete_if { |row| row.to_hash.values.all?(&:nil?) }

With headers and return array of CSV::Row

table.reject { |row| row.to_hash.values.all?(&:nil?) }

Without headers and return CSV::Table

table.delete_if { |row| row.to_hash.values.all?(&:nil?) }


Ruby Documentation for delete_if