Is there a Ruby on Rails layouts/css archive? Is there a Ruby on Rails layouts/css archive? ruby ruby

Is there a Ruby on Rails layouts/css archive?

Check out Twitter Bootstrap a html/css/javascript framework fro web apps.

You should definitely take a look at yaml It is a CSS framework with default settings for all HTML elements. (remember to include default_content.css) The good thing about yaml is that you don't need to hack your CSS/HTML to death to make it look good in all browsers. Yaml has all the hacks and tweaks included. Use the yaml builder to set up your columns etc.

Best regards.Asbjørn Morell.

There's nothing special about CSS for Ruby on Rails and layouts tend to be so application specific that you're unlikely to see much advantage in reuse across different applications. However, there are some tools that might help for the non-designer programmer.

Some people like haml and sass as an alternative to erb templates. Personally, I prefer to stick to erb than learn a different template markup language.

Blueprint CSS is an excellent grid-based CSS/layout starter kit. I use it for many sites these days. There are other "CSS frameworks" that you might want to investigate.

And honestly, you can take any free design template and modify it for Ruby on Rails if you can find something you like and fits the layout of your application.

Good luck.