Issue in rails 4.0 with creating a link_to for a delete action Issue in rails 4.0 with creating a link_to for a delete action ruby ruby

Issue in rails 4.0 with creating a link_to for a delete action

If you use (which is adviced) resources:a) Your action for deleting records should be named destroy.b) Game is searched for with :id parameter:

def destroy  @game = Game.find(params[:id])  @game.destroy  redirect_to :action => 'index'end

c) Your link should be:

<%= link_to 'Delete', t, method: :delete %>

since the path is the same as for the show action, the only thig that changes is HTTP method.

The format for the delete call is:

<%= link_to 'Delete', game_path(, :method => :delete %>

use rake routes to learn about the available routes, including generated route helpers, and the controller/action handling the request.

I had similar issue on rails 4.2.1, even with the :method => :delete on link_to it still routes to show method.

But using button_to method as below works!

<%= button_to "delete", article_path(:id =>, :method => :delete %>

button_to creates a form around the button and then posts to the delete method, by adding a hidden field named _method with value delete rails uses this to route to the destroy method in your controller.