Making a module inherit from another module in Ruby Making a module inherit from another module in Ruby ruby ruby

Making a module inherit from another module in Ruby

In fact you can define a module inside of another module, and then include it within the outer one.

so ross$ cat >> mods.rbmodule ApplicationHelper  module Helper    def time    end  end  include Helperendclass Test  include ApplicationHelper  def run    p time  end ross$ ruby mods.rb2012

One potential gotcha is that if the included module attaches class methods, then those methods may be attached to the wrong object.

In some cases, it may be safer to include the 'parent' module directly on the base class, then include another module with the new methods. e.g.

module ApplicationHelper  def self.included(base)    base.class_eval do      include Helper      include InstanceMethods    end  end  module InstanceMethods    def new_method      #..    end  endend

The new methods are not defined directly in ApplicationHelper as the include Helper would be run after the method definitions, causing them to be overwritten by Helper. One could alternatively define the methods inside the class_eval block