mysql2 gem fails to compile with MySQL 5.6.12 on OS X with Homebrew mysql2 gem fails to compile with MySQL 5.6.12 on OS X with Homebrew ruby ruby

mysql2 gem fails to compile with MySQL 5.6.12 on OS X with Homebrew

I had the same problem, I managed to fix it. I did a lot of things, and I don't know for sure what it was, but going to MySQL 5.6.10 seems to have worked.

Uninstall MySQL 5.6.12:

brew unlink mysqlbrew uninstall mysql

Go to the homebrew directory:

cd /usr/local

Go to version 5.6.10 (you can find a list of versions by running brew versions mysql:

git checkout 48f7e86 Library/Formula/mysql.rb

Then install mysql again:

brew install mysql

And now gem install mysql2 works for me.

I've also installed mysql from source (brew install mysql --build-from-source), but that didn't solve it, but might be part of the solution.

just ;)

gem install mysql2 -- --with-mysql-config=/usr/local/Cellar/mysql/5.6.10/bin/mysql_config

This also seemed to work for me. It forces the gem to compile against 5.6.10.

bundle config build.mysql2 --with-mysql-config=/usr/local/Cellar/mysql/5.6.10/bin/mysql_config

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