NameError (uninitialized constant Paperclip::Storage::S3::AWS): NameError (uninitialized constant Paperclip::Storage::S3::AWS): ruby ruby

NameError (uninitialized constant Paperclip::Storage::S3::AWS):

Modify your Gemfile's aws-sdk to install a version prior to 2.0:

gem 'aws-sdk', '< 2.0'

This issue was introduced with new version of aws-sdk (2.0+). You can read more here:

There is official solutionUse paperclip from this branch:it works with aws-sdk versions above 2

gem 'paperclip', :git=> '', :ref => '523bd46c768226893f23889079a7aa9c73b57d68'

just add :s3_region parameter to your paperclip s3 config

works for me

I got it to work by navigating to my gem folder and changing the Gems to:

  • gem ‘paperclip’
  • gem ‘aws-sdk’

The version declarations can be dropped.

To avoid getting a gem.lock error, run bundle update instead of bundle install, otherwise only the gems will be updated.

Now, the heroku logs -t command can be used to monitor the heroku server to image uploads.

I orginally received a new error, Access Denied Error for AWS server.

To fix this I found the Active Access Key ID with the latest date on the Amazon websiteand used heroku commands to input the latest Access key ID and Secret access key.

This enabled me to view my image on heroku.

I had made so many Access key ID and Secret access keys trying to fix the problem, but found the Gems to be the real problem.

Tip: Save all your Access Key info to OneNote, Notepad, etc. This way you can return and check them.