Parse HTML and preserve original content Parse HTML and preserve original content ruby ruby

Parse HTML and preserve original content

I highly recommend the pyquery package, for python. It is a jquery-like interface layered ontop of the extremely reliable lxml package, a python binding to libxml2.

I believe this does exactly what you want, with a quite familiar interface.

from pyquery import PyQuery as pqhtml = '''<div class=header><span class=title>Foo</span></div><p>1<p>2<table><tr><td>1</td></tr></table>'''doc = pq(html)doc('.header .title').text('my new content')print doc


<div><div class="header"><span class="title">my new content</span></div><p>1</p><p>2</p><table><tr><td>1</td></tr></table></div>

The closing p tag can't be helped. lxml only keeps the values from the original document, not the vagaries of the original. Paragraphs can be made two ways, and it chooses the more standard way when doing serialization. I don't believe you'll find a (bug-free) parser that does better.

Note: I'm on Python 3.

This will only handle a subset of CSS selectors, but it may be enough for your purposes.

from html.parser import HTMLParserclass AttrQuery():    def __init__(self):        self.repl_text = ""        self.selectors = []    def add_css_sel(self, seltext):        sels = seltext.split(" ")        for selector in sels:            if selector[:1] == "#":                self.add_selector({"id": selector[1:]})            elif selector[:1] == ".":                self.add_selector({"class": selector[1:]})            elif "." in selector:                html_tag, html_class = selector.split(".")                self.add_selector({"html_tag": html_tag, "class": html_class})            else:                self.add_selector({"html_tag": selector})    def add_selector(self, selector_dict):        self.selectors.append(selector_dict)    def match_test(self, tagwithattrs_list):        for selector in self.selectors:            for condition in selector:                condition_value = selector[condition]                if not self._condition_test(tagwithattrs_list, condition, condition_value):                    return False        return True    def _condition_test(self, tagwithattrs_list, condition, condition_value):        for tagwithattrs in tagwithattrs_list:            try:                if condition_value == tagwithattrs[condition]:                    return True            except KeyError:                pass        return Falseclass HTMLAttrParser(HTMLParser):    def __init__(self, html, **kwargs):        super().__init__(self, **kwargs)        self.tagwithattrs_list = []        self.queries = []        self.matchrepl_list = []        self.html = html    def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs):        tagwithattrs = dict(attrs)        tagwithattrs["html_tag"] = tag        self.tagwithattrs_list.append(tagwithattrs)        if debug:            print("push\t", end="")            for attrname in tagwithattrs:                print("{}:{}, ".format(attrname, tagwithattrs[attrname]), end="")            print("")    def handle_endtag(self, tag):        try:            while True:                tagwithattrs = self.tagwithattrs_list.pop()                if debug:                    print("pop \t", end="")                    for attrname in tagwithattrs:                        print("{}:{}, ".format(attrname, tagwithattrs[attrname]), end="")                    print("")                if tag == tagwithattrs["html_tag"]: break        except IndexError:            raise IndexError("Found a close-tag for a non-existent element.")    def handle_data(self, data):        if self.tagwithattrs_list:            for query in self.queries:                if query.match_test(self.tagwithattrs_list):                    line, position = self.getpos()                    length = len(data)                    match_replace = (line-1, position, length, query.repl_text)                    self.matchrepl_list.append(match_replace)    def addquery(self, query):        self.queries.append(query)    def transform(self):        split_html = self.html.split("\n")        self.matchrepl_list.reverse()        if debug: print ("\nreversed list of matches (line, position, len, repl_text):\n{}\n".format(self.matchrepl_list))        for line, position, length, repl_text in self.matchrepl_list:            oldline = split_html[line]            newline = oldline[:position] + repl_text + oldline[position+length:]            split_html = split_html[:line] + [newline] + split_html[line+1:]        return "\n".join(split_html)

See the example usage below.

html_test = """<div class=header><span class=title>Foo</span></div><p>1<p>2<table><tr><td class=hi><div id=there>1</div></td></tr></table>"""debug = Falseparser = HTMLAttrParser(html_test)query = AttrQuery()query.repl_text = "Bar"query.add_selector({"html_tag": "div", "class": "header"})query.add_selector({"class": "title"})parser.addquery(query)query = AttrQuery()query.repl_text = "InTable"query.add_css_sel("table tr td.hi #there")parser.addquery(query)parser.feed(html_test)transformed_html = parser.transform()print("transformed html:\n{}".format(transformed_html))


transformed html:<div class=header><span class=title>Bar</span></div><p>1<p>2<table><tr><td class=hi><div id=there>InTable</div></td></tr></table>

Ok I have done this in a few languages and I have to say the best parser I have seen that preserves whitespace and even HTML comments is:

Jericho which is unfortunately Java.

That is Jericho knows how to parse and preserve fragments.

Yes I know its Java but you could easily make a RESTful service with a tiny bit of Java that would take the payload and convert it. In the Java REST service you could use JRuby, Jython, Rhino Javascript etc. to coordinate with Jericho.