Parsing from a JSON file in Ruby and Extract numbers from Nested Hashes Parsing from a JSON file in Ruby and Extract numbers from Nested Hashes ruby ruby

Parsing from a JSON file in Ruby and Extract numbers from Nested Hashes

Using the JSON class:

Importing a file:

require "json"file = "/path/to/your/file.json"data = JSON.load file

Optionally, you can close it now:


The file looks like this:

{  "title": "Facebook",  "url": "",  "posts": [    "lemon-car",    "dead-memes"  ]}

The file is now able to be read like this:

data["title"]=> "Facebook"data.keys=> ["title", "url", "posts"]data['posts']=> ["lemon-car", "dead-memes"]data["url"]=> ""

Hope this helped!

Parse Data from File:

data_hash = JSON.parse('file-name-to-be-read.json'))

Then just map over the data!

reviews = data_hash['sentiment_analysis'] do |sentiment, reviews|  puts "#{sentiment} #{ { |review| review['score'] }}"end

I think this is the simplest answer.

You can use Array#map to collect the reviews.

reviews = json['sentiment_analysis'][0]positive_reviews = reviews['positive']negative_reviews = reviews['negative'] { |review| review['score'] }=> [0.6748984055823062, 0.6280145725181376] { |review| review['score'] }=> [-0.7923352042939829, -0.5734506634410159]

Hope this helps!