Possible to alias a belongs_to association in Rails? Possible to alias a belongs_to association in Rails? ruby ruby

Possible to alias a belongs_to association in Rails?

No it doesn't look for company_id for instance change your code as follows

In Rails3

class Car < ActiveRecord::Base   belongs_to :vendor   belongs_to :company, :class_name => :Vendor,:foreign_key => "vendor_id"end

In Rails4

We can use alias attribute.

alias_attribute :company, :vendor

In Rails 4, you should simply be able to add alias_attribute :company, :vendor to your model.

Short Version:

  1. Generate model with migration

    $ rails generate model Car vendor:references name:string ...

  2. Add following line in Car model i.e car.rb file

    class Car < ActiveRecord::Base  belongs_to :company, :class_name => 'Vendor', :foreign_key => 'vendor_id'end
  3. Now you have @car.company instance method.

For a Detailed explanation read ahead [Optional if you understood the above !!]

Detailed Version:

The model Car will have an association with the model Vendor (which is obvious). So there should be a vendor_id in the table cars.

  1. In order to make sure that the field vendor_id is present in the cars table run the following on the command line. This will generate the right migration. The vendor:references is important. You can have any number of attributes after that.

    $ rails generate model Car vendor:references name:string

  2. Or else in the existing migration for create_table :cars just add the line t.references :vendor

    class CreateCars < ActiveRecord::Migration  def change    create_table :cars do |t|      t.string :name      ...      t.references :vendor      t.timestamps    end  endend
  3. The final thing that you need to do is edit the model Car. So add this code to your car.rb file

    class Car < ActiveRecord::Base  belongs_to :company, :class_name => 'Vendor', :foreign_key => 'vendor_id'end

After you do the third step you will get the following instance methods for the model Car provided by Rails Associations

  1. @car.company

    • When you do @car.company it will return a #<Vendor ...> object. To find that #<Vendor ...> object it will go look for the vendor_id column in the cars table because you have mentioned :foreign_key => 'vendor_id'

    • You can set the company for a car instance by writing

      @car.company = @vendor || Vendor.find(params[:id]) #whichever Vendor object you want@car.save

      This will save the id of that Vendor object in the vendor_id field of the cars table.

Thank You.