Rails 3. How to display two decimal places in edit form? Rails 3. How to display two decimal places in edit form? ruby ruby

Rails 3. How to display two decimal places in edit form?

You should use number_with_precision helper. See doc.


number_with_precision(1.5, :precision => 2)=> 1.50 

Within you form helper:

<%= f.text_field :cost, :class => 'cost', :value => (number_with_precision(f.object.cost, :precision => 2) || 0) %>

BTW, if you really want to display some price, use number_to_currency, same page for doc (In a form context, I'd keep number_with_precision, you don't want to mess up with money symbols)

For this I use the number_to_currency formater. Since I am in the US the defaults work fine for me.

<% price = 45.9999 %><price><%= number_to_currency(price)%></price>=> <price>$45.99</price>

You can also pass in options if the defaults don't work for you.Documentation on available options at api.rubyonrails.org