Rails 3 - no such file to load -- openssl Rails 3 - no such file to load -- openssl ruby ruby

Rails 3 - no such file to load -- openssl

rvm pkg install openssl (older format - rvm package install openssl)
rvm pkg install iconv (older format - rvm package install iconv)
rvm remove 1.9.2
rvm install 1.9.2 -C --with-openssl-dir=$HOME/.rvm/usr,--with-iconv-dir=$HOME/.rvm/usr

Credit to http://www.isnull.com.ar/

check this instruction http://rvm.io/packages/openssl/ - keep in mind that the Quick fix is just one block not the whole page.

You have to install library for openssl/net/http run the following code and then install openssl and iconv.. Following code will work on UBUNTU..

sudo apt-get install libopenssl-ruby1.9.1 this is for ruby 1.9.1.

sudo apt-get install libopenssl-ruby for ruby 1.8.x