Rails 5.2.0 with Ruby 2.5.1 console - `warning:` `already` initialized constant FileUtils::VERSION Rails 5.2.0 with Ruby 2.5.1 console - `warning:` `already` initialized constant FileUtils::VERSION ruby ruby

Rails 5.2.0 with Ruby 2.5.1 console - `warning:` `already` initialized constant FileUtils::VERSION

I had the same issue. The one step missing from your post is to uninstall the fileutils gem first, then gem update with the default option.

gem uninstall fileutilsSuccessfully uninstalled fileutils-1.1.0gem update fileutils --defaultUpdating installed gemsUpdating fileutilsFetching: fileutils-1.1.0.gem (100%)Successfully installed fileutils-1.1.0

That got rid of the verbose fileutils messages for me.

Update: Instead of gem update --default, do gem update fileutils --default. This process should work for other gems too. Thanks to Matijs van Zuijlen for this.

It works for me:

bundle clean --force

bundle clean(1)
Clean up unused gems in your Bundler directory