Rails Console: reload! not reflecting changes in model files? What could be possible reason? Rails Console: reload! not reflecting changes in model files? What could be possible reason? ruby ruby

Rails Console: reload! not reflecting changes in model files? What could be possible reason?

reload! only reloads the latest code in the console environment. It does not re-initialize existing objects.

This means if you have already instantiated any objects, their attributes would not be updated - including newly introduced validations. However, if you create a new object, its attributes (and also validations) will reflect the reloaded code.more here

Are you reloading the object from the database?

For example:

>> a = User.last=> #<User id: 16, email: "asdfadsf@sdfdsf.com">>> reload!Reloading...=> true

'a' won't reflect any changes to your model until you reload it from the db.