Rails: Good Rspec2 example usage? (Also: Cucumber, Pickle, Capybara) [closed] Rails: Good Rspec2 example usage? (Also: Cucumber, Pickle, Capybara) [closed] ruby ruby

Rails: Good Rspec2 example usage? (Also: Cucumber, Pickle, Capybara) [closed]

My 2 cents:

Use Steak instead of Cucumber. It RSpec at its core, it is simple and it does the job.


Capybara allow you use different drivers. Some drivers support javascript, run with a browser, faster, slower, etc. Use the best Driver for the spec you are testing using Swinger:


I use my own fork of Akephalos – a driver – which is fast, support javascript, UTF-8 (that's what my fork adds) and doesn't need an external browser.


A good practice for RSpec is to use 'Context'. Ask me if you need clarification. Also, take note of the let method. It returns whatever the block returns. It is useful for declaring mock a object inside and using them on the samples. .

feature "Course" do  let(:school) {School.make!}  context "Loged in" do    before(:each) do      switch_to_subdomain(school)    end    context "In the new course form" do      before(:each) do        click_link("Courses")        click_link("New course")      end      scenario "New course" do                     end      scenario "A Course without name should not be accepted" do      end      scenario "A new course should not be created if there is another one with the same name in the same school" do      end    end  end  end   

Also, the book: The RSpec Book, of Pragmatic Programmers is a very good resource for initiating yourself about the core concepts behind RSpec, Capybara, Cucumber and all this Behaviour Driven Development agile thing :)


Also, I use Machinist2 for fixtures. https://github.com/notahat/machinist

Works great. Better than Factory girl.

There is also Fabricator, which have an excellent website and a very usable DSL.


You can use Machinist with Forgery in order to create intelligent data.


 School.blueprint do    name { "Pablo de olavide"} end Student.blueprint do    first_name { Forgery::Name.first_name}    last_name { Forgery::Name.last_name }    school { School.make! } end

You can combine this with a Thor task in order to populate you development database, to see the application as the final user would see it.

def populate            require File.expand_path('config/environment.rb')    require File.expand_path('spec/support/blueprints.rb')            drop    puts "populating database"    1.times do |num|       school = School.make!       50.times do       Student.make!(:school => school)       end                                                 5.times do               Course.make!(:school => school)                 Professor.make!(:school => school)                       end                endend

The documentation of RSpec 2 has many examples:


Also, this Post give many other tips:


Another post with very good advise:


Optimising the execution time of tests:

