Rails: How to downcase non-English string? Rails: How to downcase non-English string? ruby ruby

Rails: How to downcase non-English string?

str = "Привет"str.mb_chars.downcase.to_s#=> "привет"

Why not to use gem unicode_utils. This gem will not force downcase to work, however you can use:

UnicodeUtils.downcase('Привет') #=> 'привет'

If you want to use it easy like this:

> "Привет".downcase=> "привет"

you have to put into initializers folder file string.rb

require 'unicode'class String  def downcase    Unicode::downcase(self)  end  def downcase!    self.replace downcase  end  def upcase    Unicode::upcase(self)  end  def upcase!    self.replace upcase  end  def capitalize    Unicode::capitalize(self)  end  def capitalize!    self.replace capitalize  endend