Rails Installation error :The 'atomic' native gem requires installed build tools [duplicate] Rails Installation error :The 'atomic' native gem requires installed build tools [duplicate] ruby ruby

Rails Installation error :The 'atomic' native gem requires installed build tools [duplicate]

As error message said, you need to install Ruby DevKit which can be obtained from RubyInstaller.org. (also need to check suitable Devkit version from there..)

And extract the DevKit zip file into somewhere (you are using windows then-> : c:\xxxx)Navigate to c:\xxxx and run "ruby dk.rb init" and then "ruby dk.rb install"..

And try to re-insall rails..

I hope this helps,

I have also gone through the same problem. After doing a lot of research, I found a solution that works.

Run this command:

pik list

It should show you

187: ruby 1.8.7 (2010-08-16 patchlevel 302) [i386-mingw32]192: ruby 1.9.2p290 (2011-07-09) [i386-mingw32]193: ruby 1.9.3p327 (2012-11-10) [i386-mingw32]200: ruby 2.0.0p247 (2013-06-27) [i386-mingw32]

If it's not pointing to Ruby version 200 then run the following:

pik use 200

Now run the following to enhance DevKit to your installed Ruby:

ruby dk.rb install

Finally, run the following:

gem install rails

This will install latest Rails version 4 for Ruby 2.0.

I also gone through the same problem. :) but is my first install of ruby on windows and "pik" is not avaible so i place me in the devkit folder and try : ruby dk.rb init and ruby dk.rb install and finaly gem install rails ...no more faillure