Rails static data set Rails static data set ruby ruby

Rails static data set

I would store this information in a YAML file. You could use the RailsConfig gem and create a YAML file like

level:  1:    some: value    another: value  2:    some: second value    another: second value

And then access it with

rate = 2val = Settings.level[rate.to_s].some

(I'm not completely sure with numbers as keys in YAML, maybe you have to escape them)

I use constants in this cases: constants do not change after the declaration, but the declaration can be dynamic:

OS =  case RUBY_PLATFORM  when /linux/   then :linux  when /osx/     then :osx  when /windows/ then :windows  else                :unknown

Performance should be better when using constants for static values, because they should be memoized (and because staticity should be their purpose, so probably Ruby implementations trust about it; I read something about JRuby and constants implementation, I'll post it if I'll find. EDIT I found it: http://blog.headius.com/2012/09/avoiding-hash-lookups-in-ruby.html).