Removing color decorations from strings before writing them to logfile Removing color decorations from strings before writing them to logfile ruby ruby

Removing color decorations from strings before writing them to logfile

This is my current solution

class ColourBlind  def initialize(*targets)     @targets = targets  end  def write(*args)    @targets.each {|t| t.write(* {|x| x.gsub(/\e\[(\d+)m/, '')}.compact)}  end  def close    @targets.each(&:close)  endend

And then:

$logger =$stdout,

From the colorize gem:

class String  REGEXP_PATTERN = /\033\[([0-9]+);([0-9]+);([0-9]+)m(.+?)\033\[0m|([^\033]+)/m  def uncolorize    self.scan(REGEXP_PATTERN).inject("") do |str, match|      str << (match[3] || match[4])    end  endend

For removal of ANSI colors, I would recommend

string_with_ascii = "..."string_no_ascii = string_with_ascii.gsub(/\e\[([;\d]+)?m/, '')