Ruby and Ruby on Rails offline API documentation [closed] Ruby and Ruby on Rails offline API documentation [closed] ruby ruby

Ruby and Ruby on Rails offline API documentation [closed]

Browser-based Solution – Updated Oct 19, 2017

DevDocs ( uses your browser's IndexedDB to store the documentation you want. Make sure you follow the instructions on how to install the docs before you go offline.

For macOS try Dash

For Windows/Linux try Zeal

For packaged HTML try RubyDocs

Manual Download:

I used this commands on my server so I could get the files faster (they were cached, go figure).

wget -r -k -p

  • r - recursive
  • k - convert links to point to local files
  • p - get allimages, etc needed to display the html pages

Then I compress the folder so I can download it without overhead.

rar a -r rails_api.rar

  • a - add files
  • r - recursive

YARD Server

I prefer the yard format over rdoc.

  1. Install the gem gem install yard,
  2. Regenerate all the documentation gem rdoc --all --overwrite, and
  3. Run the server for the gems yard server --gems. You can build and download a custom package of docs for ruby versions to 1.9, rails to 2.3.5 and a number of gems.

I realize this question is quite old but since it still comes up high in Google when searching for "ruby on rails docs" and several people suggest, which has been down for almost a year.

So I wanted to mention, which has the same functionalities that had and more (generate combined docs of Ruby and Rails with any version you need).

Disclaimer: I built :)