Ruby design pattern: How to make an extensible factory class? Ruby design pattern: How to make an extensible factory class? ruby ruby

Ruby design pattern: How to make an extensible factory class?

You don't need a LogFileReaderFactory; just teach your LogFileReader class how to instantiate its subclasses:

class LogFileReader  def self.create type    case type     when :git    when :bzr    else      raise "Bad log file type: #{type}"    end  endendclass GitLogFileReader < LogFileReader  def display    puts "I'm a git log file reader!"  endendclass BzrLogFileReader < LogFileReader  def display    puts "A bzr log file reader..."  endend

As you can see, the superclass can act as its own factory. Now, how about automatic registration? Well, why don't we just keep a hash of our registered subclasses, and register each one when we define them:

class LogFileReader  @@subclasses = { }  def self.create type    c = @@subclasses[type]    if c    else      raise "Bad log file type: #{type}"    end  end  def self.register_reader name    @@subclasses[name] = self  endendclass GitLogFileReader < LogFileReader  def display    puts "I'm a git log file reader!"  end  register_reader :gitendclass BzrLogFileReader < LogFileReader  def display    puts "A bzr log file reader..."  end  register_reader :bzrendLogFileReader.create(:git).displayLogFileReader.create(:bzr).displayclass SvnLogFileReader < LogFileReader  def display    puts "Subersion reader, at your service."  end  register_reader :svnendLogFileReader.create(:svn).display

And there you have it. Just split that up into a few files, and require them appropriately.

You should read Peter Norvig's Design Patterns in Dynamic Languages if you're interested in this sort of thing. He demonstrates how many design patterns are actually working around restrictions or inadequacies in your programming language; and with a sufficiently powerful and flexible language, you don't really need a design pattern, you just implement what you want to do. He uses Dylan and Common Lisp for examples, but many of his points are relevant to Ruby as well.

You might also want to take a look at Why's Poignant Guide to Ruby, particularly chapters 5 and 6, though only if you can deal with surrealist technical writing.

edit: Riffing of off Jörg's answer now; I do like reducing repetition, and so not repeating the name of the version control system in both the class and the registration. Adding the following to my second example will allow you to write much simpler class definitions while still being pretty simple and easy to understand.

def log_file_reader name, superclass=LogFileReader, &block, &block).register_reader(name)endlog_file_reader :git do  def display    puts "I'm a git log file reader!"  endendlog_file_reader :bzr do  def display    puts "A bzr log file reader..."  endend

Of course, in production code, you may want to actually name those classes, by generating a constant definition based on the name passed in, for better error messages.

def log_file_reader name, superclass=LogFileReader, &block  c =, &block)  c.register_reader(name)  Object.const_set("#{name.to_s.capitalize}LogFileReader", c)end

This is really just riffing off Brian Campbell's solution. If you like this, please upvote his answer, too: he did all the work.

#!/usr/bin/env rubyclass Object; def eigenclass; class << self; self end end endmodule LogFileReader  class LogFileReaderNotFoundError < NameError; end  class << self    def create type      (self[type] ||= const_get("#{type.to_s.capitalize}LogFileReader")).new    rescue NameError => e      raise LogFileReaderNotFoundError, "Bad log file type: #{type}" if e.class == NameError && e.message =~ /[^: ]LogFileReader/      raise    end    def []=(type, klass)      @readers ||= {type => klass}      def []=(type, klass)        @readers[type] = klass      end      klass    end    def [](type)      @readers ||= {}      def [](type)        @readers[type]      end      nil    end    def included klass      self[[/[[:upper:]][[:lower:]]*/].downcase.to_sym] = klass if klass.is_a? Class    end  endenddef LogFileReader type

Here, we create a global method (more like a procedure, actually) called LogFileReader, which is the same name as our module LogFileReader. This is legal in Ruby. The ambiguity is resolved like this: the module will always be preferred, except when it's obviously a method call, i.e. you either put parentheses at the end (Foo()) or pass an argument (Foo :bar).

This is a trick that is used in a few places in the stdlib, and also in Camping and other frameworks. Because things like include or extend aren't actually keywords, but ordinary methods that take ordinary parameters, you don't have to pass them an actual Module as an argument, you can also pass anything that evaluates to a Module. In fact, this even works for inheritance, it is perfectly legal to write class Foo < some_method_that_returns_a_class(:some, :params).

With this trick, you can make it look like you are inheriting from a generic class, even though Ruby doesn't have generics. It's used for example in the delegation library, where you do something like class MyFoo < SimpleDelegator(Foo), and what happens, is that the SimpleDelegator method dynamically creates and returns an anonymous subclass of the SimpleDelegator class, which delegates all method calls to an instance of the Foo class.

We use a similar trick here: we are going to dynamically create a Module, which, when it is mixed into a class, will automatically register that class with the LogFileReader registry.

  LogFileReader.const_set type.to_s.capitalize, {

There's a lot going on in just this line. Let's start from the right: creates a new anonymous module. The block passed to it, becomes the body of the module – it's basically the same as using the module keyword.

Now, on to const_set. It's a method for setting a constant. So, it's the same as saying FOO = :bar, except that we can pass in the name of the constant as a parameter, instead of having to know it in advance. Since we are calling the method on the LogFileReader module, the constant will be defined inside that namespace, IOW it will be named LogFileReader::Something.

So, what is the name of the constant? Well, it's the type argument passed into the method, capitalized. So, when I pass in :cvs, the resulting constant will be LogFileParser::Cvs.

And what do we set the constant to? To our newly created anonymous module, which is now no longer anonymous!

All of this is really just a longwinded way of saying module LogFileReader::Cvs, except that we didn't know the "Cvs" part in advance, and thus couldn't have written it that way.

    eigenclass.send :define_method, :included do |klass|

This is the body of our module. Here, we use define_method to dynamically define a method called included. And we don't actually define the method on the module itself, but on the module's eigenclass (via a small helper method that we defined above), which means that the method will not become an instance method, but rather a "static" method (in Java/.NET terms).

included is actually a special hook method, that gets called by the Ruby runtime, everytime a module gets included into a class, and the class gets passed in as an argument. So, our newly created module now has a hook method that will inform it whenever it gets included somewhere.

      LogFileReader[type] = klass

And this is what our hook method does: it registers the class that gets passed into the hook method into the LogFileReader registry. And the key that it registers it under, is the type argument from the LogFileReader method way above, which, thanks to the magic of closures, is actually accessible inside the included method.

    end    include LogFileReader

And last but not least, we include the LogFileReader module in the anonymous module. [Note: I forgot this line in the original example.]

  }endclass GitLogFileReader  def display    puts "I'm a git log file reader!"  endendclass BzrFrobnicator  include LogFileReader  def display    puts "A bzr log file reader..."  endendLogFileReader.create(:git).displayLogFileReader.create(:bzr).displayclass NameThatDoesntFitThePattern  include LogFileReader(:darcs)  def display    puts "Darcs reader, lazily evaluating your pure functions."  endendLogFileReader.create(:darcs).displayputs 'Here you can see, how the LogFileReader::Darcs module ended up in the inheritance chain:'p LogFileReader.create(:darcs).class.ancestorsputs 'Here you can see, how all the lookups ended up getting cached in the registry:'p LogFileReader.send :instance_variable_get, :@readersputs 'And this is what happens, when you try instantiating a non-existent reader:'LogFileReader.create(:gobbledigook)

This new expanded version allows three different ways of defining LogFileReaders:

  1. All classes whose name matches the pattern <Name>LogFileReader will automatically be found and registered as a LogFileReader for :name (see: GitLogFileReader),
  2. All classes that mix in the LogFileReader module and whose name matches the pattern <Name>Whatever will be registered for the :name handler (see: BzrFrobnicator) and
  3. All classes that mix in the LogFileReader(:name) module, will be registered for the :name handler, regardless of their name (see: NameThatDoesntFitThePattern).

Please note that this is just a very contrived demonstration. It is, for example, definitely not thread-safe. It might also leak memory. Use with caution!

One more minor suggestion for Brian Cambell's answer -

In you can actually auto-register the subclasses with an inherited callback. I.e.

class LogFileReader  cattr_accessor :subclasses; self.subclasses = {}  def self.inherited(klass)    # turns SvnLogFileReader in to :svn    key = klass.to_s.gsub(,'').underscore.to_sym    # self in this context is always LogFileReader    self.subclasses[key] = klass  end  def self.create(type)    return self.subclasses[type.to_sym].new if self.subclasses[type.to_sym]    raise "No such type #{type}"  endend

Now we have

class SvnLogFileReader < LogFileReader  def display    # do stuff here  endend

With no need to register it