Ruby gem rmagick won't install on Mac OS X Ruby gem rmagick won't install on Mac OS X ruby ruby

Ruby gem rmagick won't install on Mac OS X

Run this (using homebrew) before attempting to install the gem.

brew install imagemagick

This is the less destructive version using homebrew, rmagic also doesn't work with imagemacigk version 7

ImageMagick Version 6.4.9 or later (6.×.x). Version 7 is NOT yet supported; ETA April 2019 ( )

(from Readme)

. You can get ImageMagick from, so with brew try this

brew install imagemagick@6PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/opt/imagemagick@6/lib/pkgconfig gem install rmagick

I'm using OS X Lion.

I ran brew doctor and saw that imagemagick was unlinked so it told me to run brew link imagemagick.

Then I closed and re-opened my terminal and everything worked thankfully.