ruby methods that either yield or return Enumerator ruby methods that either yield or return Enumerator ruby ruby

ruby methods that either yield or return Enumerator

The core libraries insert a guard return to_enum(:name_of_this_method, arg1, arg2, ..., argn) unless block_given?. In your case:

class Array  def double    return to_enum(:double) unless block_given?    each { |x| yield 2*x }  endend>> [1, 2, 3].double { |x| puts(x) }246 >> ys = [1, 2, 3] { |x| x > 3 } #=> [4, 6]

use Enumerator#new:

class Array  def double(&block) do |y|       each do |x|         y.yield x*2       end     end.each(&block)  endend

Another approach might be:

class Array    def double(&block)        map {|y| y*2 }.each(&block)    end end