Ruby: Mocking a class method with MiniTest? Ruby: Mocking a class method with MiniTest? ruby ruby

Ruby: Mocking a class method with MiniTest?

This might not be helpful to you if you're stuck using 2.12.1, but looks like they added method stubbing to minitest/mock in HEAD here.

So, were you to update to minitest HEAD, I think you could do this:

product = Product.newProduct.stub(:find, product) do  assert_equal product, Product.find(1)end

What I do is that I simply stub the class method and replace it with my own lambda function which proves that original function was called. You can also test what arguments were used.


  test "unsubscribe user" do    user = create(:user, password: "Secret1", email: "", confirmation_token: "token", newsletter_check: false)    newsletter = create(:newsletter, name: "Learnlife News")    unsubscribe_function = -> (email:) { @unsubscribed_email = email }    Hubspot::Subscription.stub :unsubscribe_all, unsubscribe_function do      get user_confirmation_en_path(confirmation_token: "token")    end    assert_equal @unsubscribed_email, ""  end