ruby on rails, colon at back or front of variables ruby on rails, colon at back or front of variables ruby ruby

ruby on rails, colon at back or front of variables

What i have understand so far is that :variable in ruby, is to say that this variable will not be able to change, which is similar to constant in other language.

I'm not sure if I understand that statement. In Ruby, constants start with an uppercase letter:

Foo = 1

Reassignment generates a warning:

Foo = 1Foo = 2 #=> warning: already initialized constant Foo

Variables start with a lowercase letter and reassignment doesn't cause a warning (they are supposed to change):

foo = 1foo = 2 # no warning

Symbols start with a colon:

:a_symbol:Uppercase_symbol:"i'm a symbol, too"

They often represent static values, e.g. :get and :post. Symbols are memory efficient, because they are created only once - the same symbol literal always returns the same object. Checking if two symbols are equal is a cheap operation.

Both key: and method: (...) What does that this represent?

This is an alternate syntax for hashes. You can type it in IRB to see the result:

{ foo: 1, bar: 2 }#=> {:foo=>1, :bar=>2}

There are double colons inbetween variables? now I am guessing that Blog: is one variable, and :Application is constant.

No, Blog and Application are both constants and :: is the scope resolution operator. It can be used to access nested constants, e.g.:

module Foo  class Bar    BAZ = 123  endendFoo::Bar::BAZ #=> 123

Rails.application.config.session_store :cookie_store, key: '_blog_session'

session_store is a method that takes two "Arguments":

  • :cookie_store is a Symbol
  • key: '_blog_session' is actually a short way of writing a Hash.

(could also be session_store :cookie_store, { key: '_blog_session' })

Similarly for link_to "Delete", article, confirm: "Are you sure?", method: :delete

  • "Delete" is a string
  • article a variable
  • { confirm: '...', method: :delete } hash where confirm:, method: and :delete are Symbols again.

While Blog::Application :: is basically a namespace resolution operator. A way for you to address the Application class in the Blog module.

Hope this helps. Have a look at the documentation I referenced, it is explained rather nicely.

:presence => true

presence: true

In the bottom example, the colon is saying, “Hey, I am pointing from presence to true.