Ruby on Rails console is hanging when loading Ruby on Rails console is hanging when loading ruby ruby

Ruby on Rails console is hanging when loading

Restarting Spring should fix the hanging commands:

$ bin/spring stop

I experienced hanging commands (rake, bin/rails, etc.) after deleting and recreating a new Ruby on Rails application. Google wasn't that helpful. I hope this is.

Spring will start automatically when you re-run your command.

It's something wrong with the Spring gem version I guess.

Go to your Gemfile and comment gem 'spring'. Then run bundle install and try again.

# gem 'spring'

And then:

bundle install

If your work depends on the gem, try update the gems by:

bundle update

If $ bin/spring stop doesn't solve the issue, then check to make sure there isn't an orphaned Spring process still hanging around:

$ ps aux | grep -i spring

If you see something like

user  7163  0.0  0.0 110356  2165 pts/3    S+   19:40   0:00 grep --color=auto -i springuser 16980  0.0  0.4 398826 17580 ?        Sl   Aug31   0:00 spring server | current | started 277 hours ago     

then kill the errant spring process and try to start the console again:

$ kill -9 16980 $ rails c