Ruby on Rails error "cannot load such file -- less" Ruby on Rails error "cannot load such file -- less" ruby ruby

Ruby on Rails error "cannot load such file -- less"

I guess you are using sass instead of LESS.

Have you tried the twitter-bootstrap-rails gem?

gem "therubyracer"gem "less-rails"gem "twitter-bootstrap-rails"

I simply needed to restart my server.

I had added the three gems listed above (less-rails, therubyracer, and twitter-bootstrap-rails, with Rails 3.2.13) while my local server was running, resulting in the problem seen above. So once I shut it down and restarted it again, everything loaded well.

You have to either update therubyracer or downgrade the twitter-bootstrap-rails gem down to version 2.1.7 which is the last known version that didn't have this issue.

Run either bundle update to update your gems or in your Gemfile make your twitter-bootstrap-rails gem look like this:

gem 'twitter-bootstrap-rails', '2.1.7'

Take a look at this issue:

This issue started happening on versions after 2.1.7 on twitter-bootstrap-rails.