Ruby on Rails: How can I edit database.yml for postgresql? Ruby on Rails: How can I edit database.yml for postgresql? ruby ruby

Ruby on Rails: How can I edit database.yml for postgresql?


development:  adapter: postgresql  encoding: unicode  database: blog_development  pool: 5  username: blog  password:  host: localhost

Source: Configuring Rails Applications

development:  adapter: postgresql  encoding: utf8  database: name  username: hading  password: my_db_password  pool: 5 # not mandatory  timeout: 5000 # not mandatory  host: localhost  port: your postgresql port number (5432 or 5433)

As Zabba said it's

development:  adapter: postgresql  encoding: unicode  database: blog_development  pool: 5  username: blog  password:

As mentioned in the Configuring Rails Applications. But you might want an additional min_messages: WARNING, to get rid of the nasty NOTICE messages postgresql gives you during a migration. So my database.yml entry looks like this

development:  adapter: postgresql  encoding: unicode  database: blog_development  pool: 5  username: blog  password:  min_messages: WARNING