Ruby Oneline Rescue Ruby Oneline Rescue ruby ruby

Ruby Oneline Rescue

Reads good! But it will hit your performance. In my experience rescue is much slower when triggered and slightly slower when it's not. In all cases the if is faster. Other thing to consider, is that exceptions shouldn't be expected and you kind of are with this code. Having a hash so deeply nested might be a good smell that a refactoring is nede

This specific example can now be achieved with Ruby 2.3's dig method.

name = obj.dig 'key', 'key2', 'name'

This will safely access obj['key']['key2']['name'], returning nil if any step fails.

(In general, it's usually advised to use exceptions only for real, unanticipated, errors, though it's understandable in an example like this if the syntax makes it cumbersome.)