ruby operator "=~" [duplicate] ruby operator "=~" [duplicate] ruby ruby

ruby operator "=~" [duplicate]

The =~ operator matches the regular expression against a string, and it returns either the offset of the match from the string if it is found, otherwise nil.

/mi/ =~ "hi mike" # => 3 "hi mike" =~ /mi/ # => 3 "mike" =~ /ruby/ # => nil 

You can place the string/regex on either side of the operator as you can see above.

This operator matches strings against regular expressions.

s = 'how now brown cow's =~ /cow/ # => 14s =~ /now/ # => 4s =~ /cat/ # => nil

If the String matches the expression, the operator returns the offset, and if it doesn't, it returns nil. It's slightly more complicated than that: see documentation here; it's a method in the String class.

=~ is an operator for matching regular expressions, that will return the index of the start of the match (or nil if there is no match).

See here for the documentation.