Ruby/Rails - Models Named with Two Words (Naming Convention Issues) Ruby/Rails - Models Named with Two Words (Naming Convention Issues) ruby ruby

Ruby/Rails - Models Named with Two Words (Naming Convention Issues)

Your class should be singlular.

Name it PromotedEvent in the file promoted_event.rb

a =

Model names are singular and camel case like so pe =

the file should be promoted_event.rb

Controllers are plural


constants are ALL_CAPS

locals are separated_by_underscores_and_lowercase

table names are plural 'SELECT * FROM promoted_events`

If it helps, I always think of it like this:

The model name is singular because it represents a single, specific thing. So, PromotedEvent is a specific promoted event that has a name, date, etc.

The table name on the other hand is plural. This is because the table stores a collection of these singular items. So, promoted_events.

In rails, filenames are mostly a matter of convention since ruby has pretty lax rules in this regard, but generally it's class_name.rb. This page might help you get a better overview of what conventions are used where and what is specific to Ruby versus Rails.