RubyMine Debugger.start is not called yet RubyMine Debugger.start is not called yet ruby ruby

RubyMine Debugger.start is not called yet

After a while of trying other proposed solutions, I found that I had the following in the gem file:

gem "debugger"

This causes a conflict somehow for the debugger... Removing this line solved it to me...


Source: Debugger crashes when it hits the first breakpoint

As an addendum to Mustafah's comment, it took me a while to track down this variant of the issue:

gem 'pry-full'gem 'debugger'

Both of these lines were causing the problem, so I had to change to:

unless ENV['RM_INFO']  gem 'pry-full'  gem 'debugger'end

How do you know which gems might indirectly be loading the debugger gem? Look in your Gemfile.lock for entries which suggest this depedency:

pry-debugger (0.2.2)  debugger (~> 1.3)  pry (~> 0.9.10)

For others who run into this and can't remove debugger from the Gemfile, it's worth following the source link Mustafah provided.

Further updates to the discussion point out that you can add unless ENV['RM_INFO'] to the Gemfile (and after any require of the debugger gem) to use the RM debugger and allow others on the project the command line debugger.