Run rake task in controller Run rake task in controller ruby ruby

Run rake task in controller

I agree with ddfreynee, but in case you know what you need code can look like:

require 'rake'Rake::Task.clear # necessary to avoid tasks being loaded several times in dev modeSample::Application.load_tasks # providing your application name is 'sample'class RakeController < ApplicationController  def run    Rake::Task[params[:task]].reenable # in case you're going to invoke the same task second time.    Rake::Task[params[:task]].invoke  endend

You can require 'rake' and .load_tasks in an initializer instead.

I don't find it good style to call a rake task in code. I recommend putting the code for the task that you want to execute somewhere outside a rake task, and have the rake task call this code.

This not only has the advantage of being easy to call outside rake (which is what you want), but it also makes it much easier to test the rake task.

Instead of trying to call a rake task in a controller, call a service objects that contains whatever logic you are trying to execute.

class SomeController < ApplicationController  def whatever  endend

...and then, assuming you are talking about a custom rake task, have it call the service object as well:

namespace :example do  desc 'important task'  task :important_task do  endend

In case you are not familiar with service objects, they are just plain old ruby classes that do a specific job. If you are trying to call some of the default rake tasks (ie: db:migrate) I would highly recommend not doing that sort of thing from a controller.