Run Sidekiq as daemon on Ubuntu Run Sidekiq as daemon on Ubuntu ruby ruby

Run Sidekiq as daemon on Ubuntu

there's an option to Daemonize sidekiq, just pass -d option


Running as daemon won't restart the sidekiq if it crashes unexpectedly. One alternate way could be to run sidekiq as a service (An upstart job). If the system is rebooted than also the upstart job will run sidekiq.Here is the complete script and method to run sidekiq as a service.

After running sidekiq as a service you can simply start/stop/restart sidekiq by command sudo service sidekiq start/stop/restart.

As of sidekiq 6.0 Daemonization wouldnt work and if you pass -d, you'll get a message:

Daemonization mode was removed in Sidekiq 6.0, please use a proper process supervisor to start and manage your services

check the issue here #4045