Running "bundle install" fails and asks me to run "bundle install" Running "bundle install" fails and asks me to run "bundle install" ruby ruby

Running "bundle install" fails and asks me to run "bundle install"

OK guess I fixed it..

For the gems that running bundle install complained about when run from inside the app directory, I installed them by going outside the app directory and doing sudo gem install [gem] one by one. Doing bundle install --gemfile=myApp/Gemfile also installed a couple of the missing gems.

I have no idea why I wasn't able to just run bundle install from inside the app directory...lame.

I had this problem. Once I did:

[root@smaug ~]# PATH=$PATH:~/.gem/ruby/2.0.0/bin

[root@smaug ~]# export PATH

Then it was fixed and I could just

[root@smaug msf3]# bundle install


The problem is that all your commands have actually prepended bundle exec. If you take a look at the output it is bundler telling you your gems are not installed. This can happen if you have some plugin in rbenv installed like rbenv-bundle-exec, rbenv-bundler or rbenv-binstubs.At least for me, it was happening the first time you try to bundle install in a project, because it actually detects there is a Gemfilein the current folder and tries to do bundle exec bundle install which obviously won't work.

You can use the solution of Tim, and run bundle install from outside the project folder.

You can disable or uninstall temporally the extension that is prepending bundle exec to ruby commands.

Or if the problem is happening because you use rbenv-bundle-exec, just do:

NO_BUNDLE_EXEC=1 bundle install