Running foreman from a rake task Running foreman from a rake task ruby ruby

Running foreman from a rake task

If you must make it work via rake, try changing the shell-out via backtick to use a hard-coded path to the system-wide foreman binary

`/global/path/to/foreman start -f`

You just need to use 'which' or 'locate' or a similar tool to determine the path that works outside your bundler context. If you are using rbenv, then this might be sufficient :

$ rbenv which rake/home/name/.rbenv/versions/1.9.3-p448/bin/rake

I hope that helps you move forward.

Not sure if this will work, but you could export the environment variables associated with your shell explicitly and then make a call to foreman. FWIW, I don't think this is recommended, and would suggest using a bash script as @dax proposes.


  1. Get the $PATH and other environment variables from your shell

    printenv >> shell.env
  2. Get the environment variables from the rails environment

    namespace :foreman_test do  task :dev do    `printenv >> rails.env`  endend
  3. Compare the two and find out the changed environment variables, and set them up in your rake task in the system call

    namespace :foreman do  task :dev do    `export PATH=/original/path:/value && GEM_DIR=/some/folder && foreman start -f`  endend

if it has to be a rake task, try this (from this answer):

namespace :foreman do  task :dev do    sh "foreman start -f"  endend

if it doesn't have to be a rake task, I have a simple bash script to start for a specific project that works well:

#!/bin/bashexport PROJECT_DIR=`pwd`export PORT=$1source "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm"unset BUNDLE_GEMFILEunset BUNDLE_BIN_PATHunset RUBYOPTunset GEM_HOMEunset GEM_PATH(cd <project full path> && exec foreman start -p $PORT)